Research Article | Open Access

Translation and Adaptation of Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale: A Validation Study

    Nimra Riasat

    University of Gujrat

    Bushra Akram

    University of Gujrat

02 Sep, 2022
23 Nov, 2022
31 Mar, 2023

The main objective of the current research was translation and adaptation of Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale (Andreassen et al., 2015) in Urdu language and its validation. The sample (N = 400) was selected from two cities of Punjab by using convenient sampling technique from adults above age 18 years. The forward-back translation method was used for translation followed by expert panel evaluation, linguistic and conceptual verification of the measure, and then a final translated version was confirmed. After analysis the sample adequacy was in acceptable range with seven factors including salience, conflict, relapse, mood modification, problems, withdrawal, and tolerance. For confirmatory factor analysis data was collected from 350 participants with age range 18 to 40 years through convenient sampling. Results showed that indices of good fit model were adequate. For validation of the translated scale, data was collected from 356 individuals aged 18 years and above (186 participants for test-retest reliability, 170 participants for convergent validity) from Gujrat and Gujranwala by using convenient sampling. The values of test re-test reliability and convergent validity were up to acceptable levels. The finding of the current research would provide direction to new researches and awareness about shopping addiction.

How to Cite this paper?

APA-7 Style
Riasat, N., , B. (2023). Translation and Adaptation of Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale: A Validation Study. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 38(1), 51-64.

ACS Style
Riasat, N.; , B. Translation and Adaptation of Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale: A Validation Study. Pak. J. Psychol. Res 2023, 38, 51-64.

AMA Style
Riasat N, B. Translation and Adaptation of Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale: A Validation Study. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research. 2023; 38(1): 51-64.

Chicago/Turabian Style
Riasat, Nimra, and Bushra Akram . 2023. "Translation and Adaptation of Bergen Shopping Addiction Scale: A Validation Study" Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research 38, no. 1: 51-64.