For Authors
As an international, multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed journal, the Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research provides a platform for publication of the most advanced scientific research in various fields of psychology. The journal welcomes the original empirical investigations.
Editorial Evaluation Process and Timeline
Academic Editors read and evaluate every submission, and we try our best to get back to you quickly and try to complete the rigorous review process within eight to twelve months by using following steps:

Submission Checklist
Before submitting your manuscript, thoroughly check its quality one more time. Evaluate it critically - could anything be done better?
Be sure that:- The manuscript follows the Instructions for Authors
- At least one author should be designated as the 'corresponding author' with contact details (E-mail address or Full postal address).
- The manuscript file is saved in MSWord. docs (or .doc)
- All images (include relevant captions), figures, and tables (with proper titles, details, and footnotes) are embedded in the manuscript file
- Title page with financial disclosure statement and conflicts of interest statement
- Permission grants for previously published materials to avoid redundant publication.
- Submission declaration for previously unpublished work.
- The spelling and grammar are correct
- You know about article processing charges (APC)
- You have mentioned contact information and author contribution for all authors
- You have written a persuasive cover letter
- You have read the Aims & Scope carefully and ensure that your manuscript falls within the scope of this journal
- Use the Microsoft Word template to prepare your manuscript
- Issues about publication ethics (including informed consent/patient details), research ethics, copyright, authorship, figure formats, data, and reference format have been considered appropriate.
Language Editing Services
Grammarly , American Journal Experts , Bioscience Editing Solutions , Editage , and Enago to improve the language of your research-related documents.It is recommended for Non-English authors to get language editing services before submission of their manuscripts to the Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research to minimize the chances of rejection due to poor English.
What to Submit in Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research?
If you are planning to submit your article to the Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, please choose one of the suitable categories for your article and summarize it within the proposed word limit before submission.
- Empirical Research-based Articles (Word Limit 6000) that contributes to the base of scientific knowledge, including interdisciplinary, replication studies, and negative or null results.
- Systematic Reviews (Word Limit 5000) whose methods ensure the comprehensive and unbiased sampling of existing literature. and developments in the field.
How to Submit
Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes significant original scientific research, plus systematic reviews that fall in the scope of the journal. We welcome submissions from all fields of psychology.
Submitting your manuscript
Authors and reviewers must have an account to sign-in to our manuscript submission system at . If you do not have an account, you will need to create one, but then can use this account for any future submissions to the Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research. At the manuscript submission portal, you will first accept terms regarding the submission of a manuscript to this journal. For details on our policies, see Peer Review Process and Policies.
The main submission form is a series of tabbed windows, which you can move among by clicking the tabs at the bottom right corner of the form (The form may be filled out in any order.) You will move between the following tabs:
Manuscript Information
- The title of your manuscript (12 words maximum)
- Your Abstract should be no longer than 250 words in total
- Suggest the most suitable four to five keywords for your article
- The Article type you are submitting
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). Attach cover letter for Originality of the paper (attach in "upload submissions"). In the letter clearly mention Author(s)' names in order of placement for authorship, their affiliations, and their email addresses. Clearly mention who is the corresponding author with email address and contact number.
- Submit Manuscript in Microsoft Word document file format only. Avoid giving your name, affiliation, and any clue of your identitiy (national, ethnic, etc.) in the manuscript to keep the review process completely blind and avoiding any conflict of interest.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables (formatted by following APA Manual 7) with captions/title in Arabic numerals are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the formatting and references requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines based upon APA Manual 7.
- Submission fee of 2000 PKR (Pakistan) or 50 $ (Foreign) has been paid. Upload the payment receipt in step 2 i.e., "Upload Submission".
- Author Agreement Form duly signed by all authors of the manuscript (attach in "Upload Submissions"). Form can be downloaded from Journal's website.
- Attach plagiarism report 19% or less for the manuscript in "Upload Submissions".
- Have also submitted manuscript along cover letter, Submission fee receipt, Author Agreement Form, Plagiarism report on official email address of pjpr i.e., as an alternate review system to keep your work safe in case system gets out of order.
Author Guidelines
Manuscript should be double-spaced typewritten (do not justify) with 12 font size, printed on one side of 8.5 x 11 inches white paper with 1 inch margin on all sides. It should be prepared according to Publication Manual of American Psychological Association (2020, 7th ed.).
Abstract should be between 150 to 250 words and must include a brief summary of study including description about sample, instruments, method, and not more than five to six most noteworthy results. Also supply up the preferred key words for the study.
References should be formatted according to APA Manual (7th ed.). Each listed reference should be cited in the text and each text citation should be listed in References.
Plagiarism factor is required to be addressed by authors through submitting the permission letter for the copyrighted material which are given in the manuscript but are not the authors' original work e.g., tables/figures borrowed from any other source, data of any other study, test material (or portion thereof) mentioned in the manuscript. Authors are also required to submit a report for index of similarity generated by 'turnitin' according to the guidelines of Higher Education Commission. Editor and editors of PJPR accept no responsibility for such material given by authors in the Journal.
Masked peer review policy is followed in PJPR. For this author(s) should make sure that the names and affiliation are given in cover letter only. There should be no clue of the author(s') identity in the manuscript for keeping the process of editing more objective and fair.
Authors' Note should be detailed covering all author(s') names, their number in authorship, affiliations, and should include to whom future correspondence should be directed. For this postal and email addresses of the corresponding author must be provided. Affiliation at the time of study, acknowledgments, grant related information for the study, etc. and change in affiliation/address, if it has changed after submission, of any of the author should be brought into the notice of the Editor. PJPR authorities are not responsible for the information given in the authors(s)' related footnotes.
If you are submitting a revised manuscript, please upload it using the online submission system of Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research and it must include the following:
Response to reviewers
This section should address the specific points raised by each reviewer. And should contain:
- Answer to all the comments of reviewers and editors.
- List of changes that have been made in the manuscript
- Upload this document as a "response to reviewers" file.
Revised manuscript (Marked-up Copy)
This copy should be made to show the changes that have been made since the original submission. We encourage you to use the 'Track Changes' option in Microsoft Word and upload the 'Revised Article' with changes highlighted in the file.
Revised manuscript (Clean copy)
Upload a clean copy of your revised document that does not show your changes. Upload this as your "Manuscript" file.