Research Article | Open Access

Validation, Factor Structure, and Reliability of the Farsi Version of General Health Questionnaire-28 On Irani Students

    Hossein Molavi

    School of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

05 Aug, 2002
21 Nov, 2002
31 Dec, 2002

The purpose of this study was to determine the validity, reliability, and factor structure of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) on Irani students. 116 students were randomly selected and 3 questionnaires were administered to them: GHQ-28, Student Life Problems Questionnaire (SLPQ), and Academic Problems Checklist (APC). Factor analysis was conducted on GHQ-28 and SLPQ to determine the underlying dimensionalities for the two scales. The principal component analysis of GHQ-28 responses with oblique rotation showed a 3-factor solution. These factors were labeled as: Severe depression, life satisfaction, and somatization-insomnia as compared to Goldberg's original 4 factors: somatization, anxiety­ insomnia, social dysfunction, and severe depression. On the other hand, the principal component analysis of SLPQ responses revealed a 7-factor structure. These factors were labeled as: Lack of self­ confidence, financial concerns, concern about family relations, neurasthenia, concern about marriage and future, phobic reactions, and forgetfulness. The Chronbach's alpha and the concurrent validity coefficients between the three scales were also found satisfactory. The results of analysis of regression of the factors of SLPQ on GHQ-28 scores showed that except for phobic reactions all the other 6 factors significantly explain 73 percent of variance of the scores.

How to Cite this paper?

APA-7 Style
Molavi, H. (2002). Validation, Factor Structure, and Reliability of the Farsi Version of General Health Questionnaire-28 On Irani Students. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 17(3-4), 87-98.

ACS Style
Molavi, H. Validation, Factor Structure, and Reliability of the Farsi Version of General Health Questionnaire-28 On Irani Students. Pak. J. Psychol. Res 2002, 17, 87-98.

AMA Style
Molavi H. Validation, Factor Structure, and Reliability of the Farsi Version of General Health Questionnaire-28 On Irani Students. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research. 2002; 17(3-4): 87-98.

Chicago/Turabian Style
Molavi, Hossein. 2002. "Validation, Factor Structure, and Reliability of the Farsi Version of General Health Questionnaire-28 On Irani Students" Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research 17, no. 3-4: 87-98.