Research Article | Open Access

Personality Adjustment of Tribal and Nontribal Youth

    Utpala Goswami

    Department of Child Development and Family Relations, Faculty of Home Sciences, Assam Agricultural University, Assam, India

31 Mar, 1998
21 Nov, 1999
31 Dec, 1999

The study was made on 400 youths with 117 tribal and 283 nonĀ­ tribal respondents from the colleges with a view to understand the personality adjustment of tribal and nontribal youths to find out the gender difference in personality adjustment of tribal and nontribal youth. The youths who were in under graduate level and in higher secondary level were selected. They belonged to 17 to 22 years of age group, unemployed and admitted in the day shift. The Adjustment Inventory for College Students (AJCS, Sinha & Singh, 1980, 1984) was used to collect data. The samples were selected from Jorhat and Dibrugarh District of Assam (India). As the thrust area of the present study is to identify similarities and dissimilarities of personality adjustment between Sonowal Kachari, and nontribes, the areas predominantly inhabited by the Sonowal Kacharis were selected. The study revealed that community and gender did not play significant role in personality adjustment of youth. While analyzing the personality adjustment of female youth in relation to community the tribal female youth showed better in their personality adjustment.

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APA-7 Style
Goswami, U. (1999). Personality Adjustment of Tribal and Nontribal Youth. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 14(3-4), 97-104.

ACS Style
Goswami, U. Personality Adjustment of Tribal and Nontribal Youth. Pak. J. Psychol. Res 1999, 14, 97-104.

AMA Style
Goswami U. Personality Adjustment of Tribal and Nontribal Youth. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research. 1999; 14(3-4): 97-104.

Chicago/Turabian Style
Goswami, Utpala. 1999. "Personality Adjustment of Tribal and Nontribal Youth" Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research 14, no. 3-4: 97-104.